Open call No. 3

Lint is back for its annual publication, and this year's discussion will revolve around the theme of "loot." We invite artists from around the world to submit their work for consideration.

Magazine Lint is a curated art magazine published once a year by the Lint Art Collective based in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Art Types:

* Photography and film stills

* Digital art

* Short stories (under 10,000 words)

Please note that due to the print format, we regretfully cannot accommodate paintings and sculptures for this particular issue.

Submission Requirements:

To submit your work, please email the following information to

* Printed Name (How the artist's name is to be shown)

* Digital file of the work (high res for images 2481 pixels wide by 3507 pixels high)

* Country & City

* Pronouns

* Title, Date made, and medium

* Link to an artist bio for social media features

* Email & Social media

* Willingness to do a live reading or voice recording of written work

Submission Deadline: July 1st 2023

We will be selecting a limited number of artists for publication this year, so submit your work as soon as possible. There is no submission fee; it's completely free to participate.

"Loot" has various meanings, including stolen goods acquired by force, taking things illicitly, or in gaming, obtaining rewards and resources during gameplay. We encourage artists to explore and interpret this theme in their submissions.

We look forward to receiving your amazing creations and sharing them with our readers. Feel free to spread the word and share this open call with fellow artists. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Open Call - Lint No. 02