Quantum Entanglement

Four graduating master students from Fine Art at HDK-Valand explore the need of materiality and the physical encounter with art. In the exhibition Quantum Entanglement* they come together as an acting ensemble. Woven together with context the exhibition explores different perspectives on the gaze, bodies, mark-making and the monstrous/unheimlich as a re-assembling method.

The Artists

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Emma Åvall

digs into the complexities of the gaze and focuses specifically on the fragmented gaze due to the increasing speed in mass-information society. The glitch is used metaphorically for this consequence and refers to the digital sphere as a primary source for the accelerating tempo. This is also connected to the power structures of spectatorship; the woman as image, the man as gaze. Åvall works both in the medium of painting and writing.

(artwork on the right)

(artwork on the right)

Susanne Fagerlund

explores how virtual and human bodies are represented in digital spaces and manipulated through technology. In her practice, she works with artificial intelligence (AI) and video installations. Utilizing the deepfake video technology (AI), she works with re-assembling fragmented body imageries into new entireties. She uses vignette video formats to appropriate representations of the female body to examine identities and stereotypes.

Clara Aldén

researches the production of bodies and identities concerning motherhood and the concept of the child as an unruly descendant of the mother. She explores the conjunction of symbiosis and struggles presented within a mother-child relationship. Aldén's practice includes sculptures and objects that depict the body and materials that interact with each other in domestic spaces.


Johan Engqvist

works with painting. He devises work that blends abstraction, figuration, and decoration. A thorough variety of references and techniques often originating from other places than paintings own history and canon. Engqvist thinks of painting as a field surrounded by other neighbouring fields. Rather than operate along with linear historical guides within the painting landscape, he moves perpendicular to the norms.


*Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of particles is generated, interacts, or shares spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently from the others, including when a large distance separates the particles.

20 May - 29 May

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 10-17, Saturday - Sunday 11-16
